The 'community of the realm in Scotland' project (COTR) is an innovative collaborative research project which will show how new ways of representing medieval texts in digital media can yield new understandings of medieval political communities and their written manifestations. This website provides resources on medieval Scotland during the Wars of Independence with England for public consumption and highlights our new approach to representing key documents and texts from Scotland’s medieval past.
The Declaration of Arbroath, 1320: a living text
This video was produced by Dragonfly Productions with the project team to showcase COTR's new dynamic edition of the Declaration of Arbroath.
Our banner image is The Bute Mazer, on loan from the Bute Collection at Mount Stuart. Image (c) The National Museum of Scotland
The Declaration of Arbroath: a new 'dynamic' digital edition
An edition of the declaration showing how the text changed over time.
The social networks of the Scottish kings
Explore the political community through social network analysis
Regiam Maiestatem: Scotland's ancient law?
What are the problems with Scotland's earliest surviving legal treatise?
COTR is funded by a grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council and is a collaboration between King’s College London, the University of Glasgow and the University of Edinburgh, as well as The National Records of Scotland and Newbattle Abbey College.