What makes the Dynamic Edition different?
The text of the Declaration is not the same in these 26 manuscripts. The dynamic edition of the Declaration of Arbroath allows you to see where the text differs within each version, and which parts of the Declaration were subject to the most change.
We do this by highlighting areas of text in each manuscript which are different in other manuscripts of the Declaration. This area of text is called unsettled text.
(An example of unsettled text highlighted in our archetype editor. This example comes from a manuscript of the Book of Pluscarden, book 8 - NLS Adv. MS 35.5.2 and shows the unsettled areas when compared with other copies of the Book of Pluscarden, book 8).
There is more unsettled text in some versions of the Declaration than others.
(An example of the differences between (and the amount of unsettled text) between a manuscript from the Dossier in Fordun and Book VIII of the Book of Pluscarden.)
The dynamic edition allows you see these differences in the original Latin and in modern English translation.
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