'Dynamic' Symbols: An Aide-Memoire
This page offers a quick guide and aide-memoire to understanding the symbols and highlights used to represent unsettled text in the dynamic edition.
The dynamic edition represents unsettled text or areas of unsettled text by a combination of symbols and highlighted text. These allow the text to be viewed in the context of its parent.
- Each manuscript-text is viewed in the context of its version
- Each version-text is viewed in the context of the whole work.
Which symbols are used in the dynamic edition?
The symbols used in the dynamic edition model are:
- An circle-plus symbol (⊕) represents a sequence of words in the parent which are unsettled among its group members (thus a sequence of words in a version-text are unsettled among the manuscript-texts of the version; a sequence of words in the work-text are unsettled among the version-texts of the work). Circle-plus symbols are thus only found in parent-texts, that is, version-text and work-text, and represent the texts of their child-texts (manuscript-text and version-text respectively).
- An 'empty set' symbol (∅) represents a region in a child-text where there is no text but where other members of the same group have words or a sequence of words. Empty-set therefore denotes the absence of graphic activity compared to other texts of the same level/group. Empty-set symbols are thus only found in child-texts, that is manuscript-text and version-text and represent comparison with other texts of the same status and category.
Which highlights are used in the dynamic edition?
Text is highlights in two ways in the dynamic edition.
- Light-brown highlight denotes text unsettled at the level of the work. It appears only in parent-texts and so will appear only in work-text and version-text.
- Grey highlight denotes text unsettled at the level of the version. It appears only in child-texts and so will appear only in manuscript-text and version-text.
A quick aide-memoire
Symbols: ∅ (empty-set)
Highlight: grey
Symbols: ∅, ⊕ (empty-set and circle-plus)
Highlight: grey and light-brown
Symbols: ⊕ (circle plus)
Highlight: light-brown